So how is it that some people seem so happy, free and nothing phases them? This ministry is not about the illusion of happiness, but was born out of a continuous lifetime study of what makes people ‘tick and ticked’. And instead of being people who see an aura of happiness surrounding them making us ask `Why can’t we all have some of that?’ The answer is, WE CAN. REALLY? How exciting!
First, we have to want it. Second, we have to pay attention to it and be open for it. And third, we must become grateful for it and for all that it brings us. And yes, it is not happiness but something else that is mentioned 165 times in the Bible. Was happiness mentioned at all? Barely a few times.
Some of us are tired of being thrown to and fro on a daily basis, almost like the ocean waves. My Board and I are excited to invite you along and to share our findings with all that are interested in learning the technique ‘of constant JOY.’ There are too many tools to even mention. But we will base our findings mostly on what the Bible says as our fabulous roadmap. We also plan on working with and connecting with people from all over the world that have the same desire, and in fact, give us rich wisdom. One of the directions that JoyPlease! has, and is taking, is to help in Ethiopia. Life Center Ethiopia is a center for widows and orphans of the poorest of the poor. We will support at least one orphan on a monthly basis and hopefully more as our ministry spreads.
The ministry of JoyPlease! has already started with doors being opened on the left and right of us. Our plans to spread the good news has been and will be done by communication with each other, sharing stories through this website, Blogs and Podcasts, speaking requests and helping those in sorry with whatever they need.
God created us to be joyful. So why is it so hard? Because this has everything to do with the heart and with the mind. This world has become tougher than ever. Our minds can be dangerous of not checked. We will learn the method of “Think what you are thinking about”. All along the way we will ask Jesus to help. I know He is waiting for us and has been waiting a long time for me.
So who am I?
I grew up in a happy home of which my father was a minister. I suffered divorce and became a single mother of two.
I always believed in God but did not know the excitement on a personal level. My degree was in science at Loma Linda University. In the 70’s I got my pilots license, for various reasons. I have had the privilege of taking hundreds of people on multiple trips to Israel, my most special place on this earth. I have also had the privilege of serving as a co-pastor traveling to Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. I have two children and 3 wonderful step children that have produced a total of 17 fabulous grandchildren. I have led a magical/yet tough life at times. I just had my 80th birthday and I’m asking God to help me share all that I have learned.
“This world is a perfectly good and safe place to be”. Dallas Willard. “Life without Lack”